How to build a Greener Workplace:
for less money than you are spending now.
In a world where "Going Green" is the New Thing there are more ways to become environmentally friendly than you can even imagine. However, when many companies are coming up with their plans on how to operate greener they tend to have one thing in common. That thing is money, A LOT OF IT!
But, why is this? Why are companies spending thousands of dollars each year to go green when it requires so much extra money? Its simple really; honestly, it is! This trend, in the work-place is done almost exclusively to drive revenues.
Don't get me wrong, every office has their environmentally sensitive tree-hugger who insists the entire company stop printing e-mails, put the computers in sleep mode, have "lights-out" hour during lunch, and keeps a live plant on the corner of her desk. All these things are great, really do save moeny (in the long-run), and they really do help. Honestly, they do. But, this surely isn't the root of the green movement. Like everything else in business it comes down to money; really, it does.
A new "green building" is extremely expensive, time-consuming, and is of course, unobtainable for most companies. For starters, a new building (of any sort for that matter) is extremely expensive. But, if you are considering doing this than you are probably working for a Fortune 500 company that is constantly in the public eye. CNN, CSNBC, and Fox News are probably reporting on the fact that you are building 5 new locations, including your new flag ship store, ALL OF WHICH are "green." Sure, it costs a lot of money up front, but chances are all this great PR during prime-time just boosted your market share by .5%... or $3 Billion. A level most of us can only dream about.
Naturally, there are many other things that the average office and small-business can do to operate in a more environmentally friendly fashion.Change the light bulbs, keep the doors and windows closed, set the AC at 78. These are all great ideas that cost just pennies; but, that is the change in revenue as well as a result.Pennies.
Additionally, many new computers, printers, copiers, and other office machines (including the fridge in the break room) can be purchased with the "Energy Star" logo. Which means they are more efficient, use less power, and ultimately save a lot of money; in the long-run. Of course, you can get some extra money from the government for upgrading some of these appliances. Now we are getting somewhere. Spend a modest amount more now and save later, nice theory.
Then there are your office expenses. The number one overused under-monitored office expense is toner and printing supplies. Of course, you can try to limit the printing by having you local tree-hugger insist everyone stop printing everything that comes across the computer screen. But, if your office is anything like mine - you MUST HAVE the hard-copy; really, there's no way around it.
There is of course at least one simple way to operate your company in a fashion that is more aligned with the goals of our environment WHILE SAVING MONEY at the same time. Companies such as EnviroTone Imaging offer Premium Quality Remanufactured Toner and Inkjet Cartridges as well as printer parts and service. With 100% satisfaction guarantees, warranties, ISO9001 Certification, and STMC Compliant Status you can be assured you are getting the highest quality parts for a fraction of the cost you are spending now. A quality after market company will not be the cheapest game in town. But, it WILL work and you WILL be glad you made the decision to save your money and save your environment at the same time.
Going Green and building revenues has never been so easy!
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