Managed Print Services: What is it and how does it work?
Managed Print Services:
What is it and how does it work?
By now, you have probably heard of Managed Print Services (MPS or printer maintenance contracts) and you may even be on a MPS in your office. But, what is it exactly and why is it important? The simplest way to describe MPS and its usefulness is by explaining its importance and what MPS can do for you and your business.
Programs like EnviroTone Imaging's Axess Managed Print Services are the best way to control your printing environments costs. Managed Print Environments don't merely help save your company money on print related costs, a true MPS program (such as Axess) help your company operate more efficiently in several areas.
40% of all IT help-desk calls are printer related
MPS helps your IT Department focus on its core metrics, rather than spending valuable time on printer related issues.\
Overall office efficiencies
The average networked office has one printer for every four employees (1:4) the best placement for optimal efficiency is 1:10
Better printer placement - be sure your printer arranged in the most efficient manner. (i.e. Be sure printers getting the most use have the lowest Cost Per Page)\
Save on electricity - by removing unnecessary printers and by knowing how much electricity each printer is consuming; old printers use a lot more electricity.
Eliminates Down-Time completely - no more waiting for toner, printer parts, or service calls. MPS helps your provider know which cartridges and service are needed before you need it. You will never be without necessary printers again!
Piece of mind
Knowing where your money is going will help you confidently printer related decisions.
Visit for more information on EnviroTone Imaging's Managed Print Environment Axess Print Management.
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